footprints in the sand

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Garlic Spicy Sauce (Sambal Korek)

I love spicy food and I'm addicted to chilli sauce. I can't eat without chilli sauce or what we called sambal here in Indonesia. However I never make chilli sauce on my own. 

One of my favourite chilli sauce is one that is served at  duck dish resto on my way home from office. It's called sambal korek. It's originated from Surabaya, the big city located at eastern part of Java Island.  I love it.

The most important thing is the recipe is so easy as counting one two three. Even my 9 years old son loves it.

1. you can add the chicken/beef stock if you want
2. for the cooking oil, you can you use olive oil also but it will taste better with the leftover cooking from your fried chicken
3. Serve with fried chicken/duck or with fresh vegetables like cucumber, tomato or lettuce leaves.

What you need only 3 cloves of garlic and 10-15 chilli birds eye

put all ingredients in blender, add pinch of salt and chicken seasoning if you like
blend all ingredients together for few minutes

heat cooking oil in separate pan then pour the hot oil into the chilli mix 

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